
Investing and Acquiring Businesses and Property.

Constantly seeking investment and aqusition opportunities of professional businesses, properties & land. Expert business and property developers based in the UK.

Who we are

Alpha Properties and Investments (ALPI) Ltd. is a strategic investment firm specializing in the investment, acquisition and growth of professional construction businesses and property development. We drive long-term value through expertise, innovation, and operational excellence.

about us

Since 2018

What we do

We invest in and acquire established professional businesses and development oppurtinities, providing strategic oversight and financial expertise to maximize growth and efficiency. Importing goods through our established networks.

Our Services

Fast response, investment, aqusition and due diligence period.

Seamless transaction and exchange after due diligence.

Professional approach with the up most respect to your organisation. 

Our Mission

If you own a business in the construction sector or a property subject to development and are considering investment, acquisition, or strategic partnership opportunities, we’d love to hear from you. Our team is ready to discuss how ALPI can add value to your business. 

Our Mission

How to reach us

If you own a business in the construction sector or a property subject to development and are considering investment, acquisition, or strategic partnership opportunities, we’d love to hear from you. Our team is ready to discuss how ALPI can add value to your business. 

Get in touch